

  1. 答:剧情吸引人、演员漂亮、背景音乐好听、布景好看……
  1. 答:1. When I at the age of 6, the first time I saw the English film is harry potter, I for one of those wonderful story moved, so after every one of my also read out, but also saw harry potter book.
    2. This series of movie about is a distinctive young wizard and his friends are used Hogwaets happened in the story, in this school, all the students are the same with the young wizard harry potter, and every school year will happen many different things.
    3. The film's filming choose in the British many famous place, let's go together.
    4. Film first out is in nine years ago, nine years passed and the three leading role with film gradually grew up.
    5. Next, please enjoy some about the movie pictures
    6. Today, "harry potter" seventh department ing, let's see the trailer.
  2. 答:1. When I at the age of 6, the first time I saw the English film is harry potter, I for one of those wonderful story moved, so after every one of my also read out, but also saw harry potter book. 2. This series of movie about is a distinctive young wizard and his friends are used Hogwaets happened in the story, in this school, all the students are the same with the young wizard harry potter, and every school year will happen many different things. 3. The film's filming choose in the British many famous place, let's go together. 4.
  1. 答:苏农翻译的优点是《》翻译质量很高,同时也证明了豪斯模式可以用数培辩来评估英译汉长篇小说的翻译质量。翻译质量评估是指按照一定的标准对翻译活动、过程以及结果的价值进行评估。翻译薯缺质量评估是翻译批评下的一个新的分支,它将翻译理论和翻译实践连接在一起。到目前为止,很多学者对翻译质量评估进行了研究并且提出了不同的评估模式。
